Friday, April 15, 2011

Charlie Sheen greet his devoted followers after Toronto show

With a crowd of adoring fans gazing up at him from below, there is little doubt that Charlie Sheen certainly felt like he was 'winning.'

The actor, with his goddesses, held court on a balcony outside The Massey Hall in Toronto last night after the first Canadian show on his Violent Torpedo Of Truth tour.

Smoking and clutching a red cup, and animated Sheen observed his fans who cheered and filmed him on their mobile phones.

The evening's show ended bizarrely with the 45-year-old toasting the ashes of an audience member's dead husband.

After an hour of frenetic conversation between the troubled actor and comedian Russell Peters during Sheen's My Violent Torpedo of Truth show, Sheen called out to the audience for a woman whose husband had died two years ago to come on stage. Sheen, 45, said he read about her in a newspaper article.

The otherwise raucous audience in Toronto's Massey Hall fell silent as Wendy Newman took to the stage, clad in black and carrying a vessel. Ms Newman told the show-goers that her husband died of a heart attack and the only way she got through her difficult period was by watching DVDs of Sheen's former sitcom Two And A Half Men.

When she learned the celebrity was coming to her home city, she snapped up tickets, then posted a message on Sheen's Facebook page asking if she could bring her husband's ashes to the show and have Sheen raise a glass in honour of her husband of 19 years.

He did, but it was a glass of non-alcoholic cider, according to Peters, since Sheen has said he has put an end to his drinking and drug use.

'I think I can now send you off, Charlie Sheen is here now,' said Ms Newman after she gave a brief eulogy of her husband.

Then, strangely, the show abruptly ended, followed by an incomprehensible video of Snoop Dogg rapping, leaving the audience confused and unsure if it was really over.

'What the hell was that?' said audience member Dale Manudoc, 25. 'I didn't know what was going on during that whole show and then it just ends like that.'

Sheen's Toronto date was his first Canadian stop on the 20-city tour that includes a second Toronto show tonight and another stop in Vancouver, British Columbia.

His unconventional tour launched in Detroit on April 2 to an unimpressed audience who booed him, with some demanding refunds, and brutal reviews.

After the night opened in Toronto with a few non-sequitur scenes from Jaws and a montage of some of his movies including Platoon and Wall Street, Sheen walked out donning a baseball cap emblazoned with the word 'Winning', his catchphrase.

'Let's start with the fact that there's no ash tray,' Sheen said. 'This may be the first city I may not need a cigarette.'

He then slyly slithered an electronic cigarette out from his pocket in an attempt to skirt Ontario's anti-smoking laws, which health officials had warned the chain-smoker about earlier. He has lit up frequently during his previous tour stops.

For the next hour, Sheen and host Peters, a popular Indian-Canadian comic, struggled to get a real dialogue going.

An unplanned question-and-answer segment came off as stilted while audience could not resist shouting either words of adoration or random questions.

The spectators got so disruptive, the pair opened up the show to the crowd in an attempt to allow them to ask their questions, but that also fell flat after several women lined up requesting only hugs and kisses.

In between the audience noise, the somewhat disjointed conversation was peppered with Sheen's random stories including an explanation of his 'seven grams of rock' reference from his 20/20 interview.

'Seven-gram rocks. Who smokes seven-gram rocks?,' he started with. 'Basically, I had overstuffed my crack pipe. The thing broke and the rock fell out.

'I put it on a scale and it was four grams. I put it back (in the pipe) and figured some probably broke off so it would have been like three grams, so three plus four is a seven-gram rock. And did I finish it in one hit? F*** yeah.'

That story prompted Peters to ask if Sheen had ever regretted anything he said.

'You look back and wonder why I say things. Sometimes I say things because they have bitchin' sounds,' replied Sheen.

Peters carried the show through more back and forth, and then Sheen brought his 'goddesses' - the two women he lives with - out by request from the audience. As they left the stage Sheen proclaimed: 'Do you f****** blame me?'

Sheen's recent erratic behaviour and battles with Two And A Half Men producer Chuck Lorre prompted Warner Bros Television and CBS to sack him from the top-rated sitcom.

He's since filed a £61 million lawsuit against Warner Bros and Mr Lorre, hit the media circuit with bizarre, stream-of-consciousness musings and impulsively launched his Torpedo of Truth tour.

So it was anticipated that he would discuss the developments that ultimately led to his recent 'Shenius' antics.

'It basically started because I told them, "f*** you",' he said. 'They fired me then, but they knew I was high for eight years. Eight years. It was all about ratings and numbers and as soon as I spoke up, they said, "You're exposing us".'

Meanwhile lawyers for Warner Bros Television rejected Sheen's claim that he was in talks to return to two And A Half Men.

A letter from Warner Bros lawyers to Sheen's lawyer dismisses as 'false' the actor's comments that discussions are under way to reinstate him.

Details of the letter were confirmed by a person close to the situation.

Sheen told a Boston radio station on Tuesday that there was an '85%' chance of his returning to the sitcom.

The letter from the firm of Munger, Tolles & Olson to Sheen's lawyer Marty Singer, says there are no discussions regarding Sheen rejoining the show and there would be none.


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